Orphanage & Charity

Every child deserves and needs to receive as well as give love in order to develop properly.

We can help one child at a time, one volunteer, and one donation at a time.

Open Heaven Orphanage and Charity is a non-profit organization dedicated to assistance and stability for orphaned children.

With very little family support, these vulnerable teenagers face a life of potential crime, drugs, alcohol, and prostitution at a young age.

Many winds up in prison, are sold to sex traffickers or die at an early age.

They only know feelings of abandonment, rejection, and despair!

Through our Transition Home Program, Open Heaven Orphanage and Charity provide these abandoned teenagers with another option.

Because our homes are tiny, these young people have the opportunity to live in a genuine home and be a member of a loving family.

Houseparents show them, love, treat them with tolerance and understanding, and teach them important life lessons.

For the first time, many people experience love!

They are introduced to Christ by Open Heaven Orphanage and Charity, who tells children that He accepts, loves, and will never desert them!

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